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Super Bowl Party

WOW! What a busy day yesterday was. A big day for football. Congratulations to the NY Giants on becoming The XLVI Super Bowl Champions. You played a great game.  I honestly thought Tom and the other Patriots had it in the bag, but The Giants came back and snatched the lead and did not leave much time for The Patriots to recover.

There was another super bowl of sorts going on right here in our home. That is, a Super Bowl of a party!

We had about 20 boys over plus 5 adults and of course, The Short Chic making one full household.  I was pretty proud of my Super Bowl table, and it was worth a few ooh's and awwh's until The Husband took his smoked food off the smoker. Then all eyes  {and mouth's} were on his food.

 Thanks to a find on Pinterest, these cute football windsocks welcomed everyone to the house. You can see other household decorations here.

 Just a few photos of the food table. Individual 7 layer dips, Snickers Popcorn and water.

 Decorable Designs, I found her at, made the paper decorations for me. Water Bottle Labels, Food Labels, and Cupcake Toppers, she was able to design just what I wanted quick and easy!  If you need paper products for an upcoming party, give her a shout out at the link above!

Besides the paper cupcake toppers, I also made chocolate footballs out of melting chips. They made very cute toppers to my chocolate cupcakes with creme filling and topped with buttercream frosting.  YUMMY!

 I also made Oreo Truffles. These were one of the big hits of the night. The Boy actually snuck upstairs and hid several of these just so he had a few left over!

 Thanks to my friend Deb for suggesting these Alabama Fire Crackers. I have to say I only used half of the Cayenne Pepper that the recipe called for and these little crackers had a nice PA-POW to them. I can only imagine if I had made them full strength.

These were my little quarterback sneak packets. A few daring boys quickly decided to dive in and see what they held. They were rewarded with chocolate treats of course.  These might become a staple in my future parties, The Short Chic loved them and now wants them at her next party.

Snickers Popcorn from Six Sisters' Stuff was pretty amazing. 

 Here is the birthday invitation that Decorable Designs made for us. It was a perfect introduction to the party!
 More paper work from Decorable Designs. I have to say everyone drank up the Giants water and no one drank the Patriots water!
 Chocolate covered Oreo cookies. And chocolate covered pretzels were another two of the top consumed things I made. I double dipped the pretzel rods: caramel first then chocolate. There was not a stick or cookie left in the house!
 How about a Pizza Dip with a decorative goal post? This dip was found on Pinterest and it was the yummiest. We served it with bread and The Husband kept saying how it was his favorite. {I think he was just trying to make me feel better because clearly his smoked food upstaged everything!}

I could not get in there fast enough to catch a photo of the smoked food. It was being devoured as The Husband was putting it out. He smoked Tri Tip, sausages, and chicken  wings. I also made up the Sweet and Spicy Bacon Wrapped Chicken that I found on Pinterest. If you have not made them yet, you should add them to your next party. YUMMY!!
 In Vegas you can beat on anything. They have special bets for the Super Bowl that are called Prop Bets. Since betting is illegal here in our state, oh and the party is for teenagers, we do Prop Guesses. We had several questions about the game and gave the guest a chance to guess the answer. The ones with the correct answer are rewarded with a prize.  Some of our questions:

  1. Will the coin toss be Heads or Tails?
  2. Which team will win the coin toss?
  3. Who will score first?
  4. What type of play will the first score be? (no one saw a safety coming our directions!
  5. What will Kelly Clarkson wear while singing the National Anthem?
  6. How many outfit changes will Madonna have during half time?
  7. Who will be the MVP?

 My little cheerleader. She was so excited for her Bubby's birthday party! We had to order her a cheerleader outfit a few weeks ago to ensure it would get here in time, so it was not team specific. She picked out the local high school color so she could wear it again.

 She was a big help in greeting the guest as they arrived. She even said good bye as they left. Of course, about half way through the first quarter she decided she was done with football and retreated to her bedroom. Nick Jr. is number one in her book!

 A few boys making their prop guesses before kickoff! We had a few people at the party who are pretty good about this, they may want to consider watching next years game in Vegas!

 The inside of one of my yummy cupcakes.  I found a creme filling recipe on...PINTEREST and I whipped it up. Okay, it adds another step in your cupcake making experience but totally worth it!

 These are my girlfriends who came over to watch the big game with us! They are simply the best!

 The Boy. After the party, he immediately cleaned up the downstairs room. And he gave his Momma a big ole hug and kiss and said THANK YOU for the best party ever!

Yes, that makes it all worth it!


  1. Wow... what a spread! Looks like you had a fantastic party...

    We just bought a smoker and are trying to learn how to do it. What kind of a smoker does Hubby have? Just curious...

    Gary Marchbank

  2. wonderful looking party. Good food too. Cathy Roberts

  3. Gary,
    The Husband uses The Duo with a smoke box attached to it. If you ever want to talk smoking, I will give you his email. He LOVES to talk about smoking!


  4. What a fun looking party! I love how creative you were with all of the snacks. The table looked great :) Thank you again for choosing to use my Decorable Designs for your party, and for sharing the pictures!


  5. This is awesome!!!! It looks so great!! The food and snacks look yummy! Especially the snickers popcorn. My mouth is still watering!!!


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