She did it! Miss Medical Student is no longer a medical student. Nope. Instead, we can now refer to her as Doctor J! Doctor J is about to begin her next chapter, Residency in Emergency Medicine. She has to move from the West Coast to the Midwest. She opted to ignore the pomp and circumstance of formal graduation and instead spend the next month doing things she enjoys and seeing people she misses. She and I quickly made a plan to road trip from Portland to Denver. I left last Thursday and flew to Portland. I love flying Southwest Airlines. I was able to purchase two one-way flights that total cost under $250.00. The staff obviously love their jobs and just make the flight as fun as they can. We spend our last night having dinner with a friend of Dr. J's. After dinner we went back to her place and packed and cleaned. She managed to get everything the movers did not take into the back of her truck. Even her new puppy! Our big road trip started about 6:30 Friday mo