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Showing posts from June, 2014

Tour of Missouri: Table Rock State Park

We traveled to Branson, Missouri over Father's Day Weekend to enjoy Table Rock Lake and Table Rock State Park. This is our third state park of the year. What a better way to celebrate the father and step-father of my children than taking him to his favorite place. We also had a meal he has been wanting to have for a long time. We had a shrimp boil at the campsite. It was a winner and we may have to do it again! The weather could not have been more perfect. It was sunny, breezy, and warm. The men folk enjoy fishing below the Dam at Taney Como. It is a great place to go trout fishing, which is exactly what they did bright and early Saturday morning. The Husband had very little luck on this fishing trip.  His friend Allen had better luck fishing.Maybe it is beginner's luck as Allen is just learning how to fly fish. Either way, he did well. But, not as well as this guy. The Papa. This is The Husband's dad and he is the king of fishing. He is also the kin...

The Short Chic Writes: Volume V

Here is another story written by The Short Chic. This one is about her 6th Birthday party. As those of you who know me know that I put a lot of effort into her parties. This story makes me happy because I know with each party we are making a lifetime of memories.  My Birthday Party written by The Short Chic illustrated by The Short Chic translation by Mommy   I had my party in a hotel. It had a pool in it. In the pool there was a big slide. In the slide there was lights.   It was the day of May first. I invited Sophia, Isabella, and Brooklyn Addison and MaKenza.  First we went in the water. We swam and swam. Some people went on the slide.   Finally it was cake time. I raced out to tell everybody. We sang Happy Birthday. We ate. Then it is present time. I have a lot of toys.  

The Short Chic Writes: Volume IV

A few years ago we were selected by House Party to host a debut party for Disney's Sophia The First. It was a fun party and The Short Chic remembers it well. Here is this week's story.  Sophia The First Written and Illustrated by The Short Chic Translation by Mommy   One day I had friends over for a party. First we made bracelets.   First we danced the waltz.   Then we watched TV. We watched Sophia The First.  Finally we played with my toys. It was time to go home. 

Orange is the new Black

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I finished it last night! Or actually really really early this morning. (semantics)                                      I so want to talk about it with you. But I don't want to spoil it if you have not finished it. I will say this...WHEN IS SEASON 3??

The Short Chic Writes: Volume III

In honor of Father's Day, I am sharing a story The Short Chic wrote about her Daddy. We have a weekend full of things that make The Short Chic's father happy all planned out. They all include fishing.  Happy Father's Day Weekend to all the dad's out there!  It was Father's Day. I had school but I ate breakfast with Daddy.  He brought me lunch. We ate McDonald's.  Me and Daddy went fishing together.  Then we ate donuts.  Me and Daddy read a book. The Lorax.

DIY: Slip N' Slide

Have you ever noticed that people want what they don't have?  My children want summer birthday's. They want to be like Olaf (you know that cute snowman from that movie about ice?) They want to play in the sun. Lounge on the beach. They want to celebrate their birthday's without overcoats and gloves.  In fact, they want summer birthday's so badly, that one year The Boy forgave his birthday and opted to celebrate his half birthday...right smack in the middle of S U M M E R! The Boy loved slip and slides but he always wanted one longer. To make his summer {half} birthday dreams come true, I created a large DIY Slip N' Slide for his "Half-Birthday" celebration. I started this project off at the local home improvement store. I found 10 feet x 100 feet of plastic sheeting for less than $60.00. Plastic sheeting comes in different weights so I used the 6 mil which was pretty thick plastic.  It was a little bit on the pricey side but it was t...

Tour of Missouri: Harry S. Truman State Park and Dam

On the day that we were scheduled to start our Katy Trail bike ride the rain we had been eluding  caught up to us and forced us to delay our original plans.We tried to go to breakfast in downtown Warsaw but we quickly learned that not only did the rain alter our plans but also anyone who was at the lake.  Everyone was forced indoors for entertainment.  We found an hour wait for a table and then an hour wait for our food. We also found lines, huge lines at the local Wal Mart as well. In the light rain, we visited Lost Valley Missouri Department of Conversation's Fish Hatchery. We have visited other hatcheries but they have all breed and raised trout. This hatchery breed and raised walleye, muskellunge, bass, and bluegill.  Lost Valley had a kids fishing pond out and even loaned fishing equipment out for use. The Short Chic enjoyed making fish rubs and playing in the giant mussel as well as observing the fish in the tanks. After our tour of the hatchery we drove...

The Short Chic Writes, Volume II

Here is another cute little story from my Short Chic. It is funny to me how small things stand out in a child's mind. She wrote this story about a lunch date we had with our friends. The little girls sat together and the Mommy's sat together. After eating the little girls went to play in the play area and had an encounter with someone they thought was not playing nicely. I guess the entire experience left an impression upon her.  Chick-fil-A Written and Illustrated by The Short Chic Translation by Mommy "One time I went to Chick-fil-A." "We went in the restaurant. We ordered the food. " "We ate the food. Me and my friend sat with each other. We had chicken nuggets." "We went to play. We were playing there was a mean girl. She was mean to me and my friend." "She was a mean girl. She wanted us to smell her feet."