The summer I was 17 years old my Grandma took me to California to visit my Aunt, Uncle, and two cousins. They live in Oxnard, California which is where my Uncle met my Aunt when he was stationed there during his Navy days.My Aunt's extended family lives in that area. During my first visit to their home, I got to meet them. This is my Uncle PeeWee. He has the heart of a giant. He is married to my Aunt's sister, Henrietta. Although his wife and I share no genetics, we have matching thumbs. If you ever meet me {or Henrietta} in person, you might note that we have unusually shaped thumbs. His daughters, Cyndi and April befriended me during my visits. We visited the beach together in Cyndi's new Volkswagon Cabriolet. We swam the night away in their backyard pool. It was during my very first visit to their pool that I ran smack into the screen door and totally knocked it out of its track! They were with me for my first ever trip to Disneyland. It was April, who sho...