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Showing posts from April, 2016

Papa Nacho

Song lyrics can be so personal, often speaking to the unspoken parts of our heart and soul. They also can be the source of some really funny moments when they are misunderstood. In fact, some of our most favorite commercials have been made over this idea.  The moment The Boy learned that the Queen's song "We Will Rock You" said... You got blood on yo' face You big disgrace Wavin' you banner all over the place                                        and not ... Wavin' your bladder all over the place is one The Husband and I will never forget.  The Boy describes this moment as his "all time low!"  At the time, all he could say was it made so much more sense. Seriously,  this moment  has provided The Husband and I with many moments of happiness over the year.  This past weekend, The Short Chic spent the night with one of her f...