I don't think I have told you all yet, I got promoted a few weeks ago. My boss retired and I was selected to take over for her. The past few weeks have been busy with organization projects. I am pretty proud of the communication center I just made today. To make this communication center, I started off by buying a piece of sheet metal. We priced several different ways but I ended up buying a 24 x 36 inch sheet from Home Depot. {The cost for the metal was $19.96.} Next, I hit up the office supply store and found some acrylic file folders on clearance.I needed 4 folders so I had to buy two boxes. {The cost of the folders was $24.00.} The office supply store also had a peel and stick dry erase board on clearance. {$9.00} They also had random magnets, dry erase markers, and butterfly magnets all on clearance. {Total of the random items was $4.00.} Other random supplies I used: magnets {$5/for 52 magnets, chalkboard vinyl, super glue {both on-hand}. I starte...